Limitless Worlds

Limitless Worlds

Friday, December 20, 2013

Small But Vicious Dog - Greenskins

I thought I'd stat up some monsters for SBVD, and what better place to start then with the infamous greenskins and their WAAAAAAGH and what have you


Orcs are probably the stupidest creatures in the Old World that could still
qualify as sentient. Huge, green and almost eternally angry, Orcs are dangerous
in large numbers. They have Shamans who harness something the orcs call the
"Waaagh," which is a supernatural hive-mind belief that if the orcs think something
is magical, it does become magical. For example, they believe painting a vehicle red
will make it go faster, and their collective will makes it so. Orcs are fairly
harmless by themselves, but many travel in huge packs. They usually carry
terrible war cleavers they call "Choppas." They have nightvision
up to 10 yards

There are other types of orcs, such as the ferocious black orcs and the
tattooed savage orcs. Black orcs are generally just a stat increase. No matter
their type, all orcs are prone to hatred of literally anything (even other orcs)

Orc shamans have the spellcasting abilities of a wizard equal to their W,
but their combat abilities usually take a hit.

Mv - 4
WS - 2
BS - 2
Att - 1
W - 2
AC - 7
SV - F1


Goblins are the slaves and sometimes food source of the orcs. Small and
cowardly, their devilish ways still scare a lot of citizens. They do
a lot of the grunt work of the orcs, and any goblin warband squabbles amongst
themselves fairly regularly. Like orcs, they have nightvision to 10 yards.

Goblins are prone to hatred like orcs, but they are also extremely afraid
of elves of all sorts.

Mv - 4
WS - 2
BS - 1
Att - 1
W - 2
AC - 8


Snotlings are the wretches of greenskin society, being even under the goblins.
They are more like loyal dogs than anything, with barely the ability to speak.
They live in filth, are killed constantly and are used as literal cannon fodder.
Like other greenskins, they have nightivision to 10 yards.

Snotlings are too stupid to figure out the hatred greenskins all have, so they
do not suffer from it. However, they usually suffer from stupidity, as well
as fear if they are severely outnumbered or even terror if they are alone.

Mv - 4
WS - 1
BS - 1
Att - 1
W - 1
AC - 9


Hobgoblins are similar looking to goblins, though they are almost as large
as orcs. They appear as slightly bestial humans, but they do not often associate
with orcs. Many hobgoblins live to the east under their Khan rulers. Hobgoblins
are vile and cunning, more so than any other greenskin. They have nightvision
up to 10 yards.

Hobgoblins are prone to hatred like all other greenskins. They are also
expert archers.

Mv - 4
WS - 2
BS - 3
Att - 1
W - 2
AC - 7
SV - F1

Monday, December 16, 2013

Small But Vicious Dog - Advanced Careers

So there is a cool game out there called Small But Vicious Dog, which is a hack of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay for B/X. Like WFRP, the game has careers, but no advance careers. So below I offer a solution! When you reach 8000 XP, you can take one of these careers as well as the additional abilities granted to the player's class. The career you get grants a new career skill as well as trappings.

Academic - Academics get access to an arcane lore of their choice (Chaos, College, Holy, etc.). Your casting die increases to 3. Wounds increase to 6 + 4d4

Roll 1d10 if you feel lucky
1. Alchemist - Chemistry, alchemist tools
2. Artisan - Craft Skill, tools of the trade
3. Cleric - Secret language (classical), holy doctrine
4. Demogogue - Blather, pamphlets
5. Druidic Priest - Animal care, game meat
6. Lawyer - Law, lawyer's wig and gown
7. Merchant - Evaluate, employ of d3 scribes
8. Physician - Medicine, black medicine bag, "crow" gas mask
9. Scholar - Scholarly Lore (Choose astronomy, cartography, etc.), writing equipment
10. Wizard - Secret language (magick), arcane tome

Warrior - Warriors can re-roll a failed attack roll once per battle, though they must keep the new roll even if it's worse. Your WS bonus increases to +4. Wounds increase to 6 + 4d8

Roll 1d8
1. Duellist - Disarm, left-hand dagger
2. Freelancer - Ride Horse, horse and saddle
3. Judicial Champion - Dodge blow, signature weapon
4. Mercenary Captain - Heraldry, flask of alcohol
5. Outlaw Chief - Follow trail, bow or crossbow
6. Sea Captain - Boat building, telescope
7. Templar - Secret signs (templar), religious symbol
8. Witch-hunter - Sixth sense, hand weapon and d4 throwing knives

Ranger - If rangers spend an action aiming, they add +1 to their ranged attack rolls. Your RS bonuse increases to +4. Wounds increase to 6 + 4d6

Roll 1d8
1. Artillerist - Carpentry, Charts and tables
2. Explorer - Cartography, d6 maps
3. Gunner - Engineer, charts and tables
4. Highwayman - Wit, a mask
5. Navigator - Astronomy, compass, sextant, etc.
6. Scout - Ride horse, horse with saddle
7. Slaver - Strike to stun, d4 manacles and 10 yds of rope
8. Targeteer - Marksmanship, bow or crossbow

Marksmanship - Can make called shots with only a -1 penalty.

Rogue - If you spend at least two rounds studying an enemy and make a successful sneak attack, they enemy must make a save or die instantly. Some enemies without easily discernable anatomies can't be affected by this. Your sneak attack bonus becomes x3. Wounds increase to 6 + 4d6

Roll 1d8
1. Assassin - Disguise, garrotte
2. Charlatan - Charm, d6 various fake compounds
3. Counterfeiter - Metallurgy, metalworking tools
4. Fence - Palm object, large overcoat with many pockets
5. Forger - Forgery, engraving tools
6. Racketeer - Dodge blow, broad-brimmed hat and knuckledusters
7. Spy - Shadowing, codebook, d4 homing pigeons
8. Torturer - Torture, d10 knives, whips and irons

Here are some small Lore spell lists, focusing on the 8 winds of magic. Each has about three spells and most of these can be found in B/X. The small amount I think lends itself well to the low magic of the game, and I tried to find spell analogues that best showed what the lore did. Divine Lores may come in the future, probably

Lore of Beasts

Calm the Wild Beast (14) - As Charm Monster, only works on animals
Form of the Wild (14) - As Polymorph Self
The Beast Unleashed (12) - As Animal Growth

Lore of Death

Deathsight (10) - As detect invisible
Wind of Death (18) - As death spell
Final Words (8) - Can speak with the dead

Lore of Fire

Fireball (12) - As fireball
Shield of Aqshy (14) - As wall of fire
Crown of Fire (10) - As bless

Lore of the Heavens

Lightning Bolt (12) - As lightning bolt
Curse (10) - As curse
Omen (14)- Can divine the future in a limited way

Lore of Life

Curse of Thorns (10)- As web
Spring Bloom (14) - As plant growth
Earth Gate (18) - As move earth

Lore of Light

Healing of Hysh (14) - As cure serious wounds
Blinding Light (10) - As continual light
Banish (16)- As turn undead against daemons

Lore of Metal

Armour of Lead (12) - As slow
Curse of Rust (16) - As disintegrate, but only on metal
Law of Logic (14) - As detect lie

Lore of Shadow

Shroud of Invisibility (10)- As invisibility
Bewilder (14) - As confusion
Illusion (10) - As phantasmal force

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Stars Without Number - Warhammer 40k Chambers Militant

My second entry on 40k via SWN, this will focus on the various military organizations that the Inquisition has access to. What's difficult about this is that two of the Chambers Militant, the Grey Knights and the Deathwatch, are both Space Marine chapters, and if you know anything about 40k, you know the Marines are nigh unkillable. So as lame as it may sound, the Marines are going to get dumbed down. This is to put them on the same level as other players, as well as on the level of the last Chamber Militant, the Sisters of Battle.

The Deathwatch

The Chamber Militant of the Ordos Xeno, the Deathwatch stands unique amongst other Space Marine Chapters. Every member of a Deathwatch Killteam used to be one of the most exemplary squad members in a different chapter. The Deathwatch is composed of powerful warriors from all over the Thousand Chapters, and they have been tasked with hunting down to the Xeno threat. Clad in all black, except for one should that retains the colors of their old chapter, the Deathwatch are experienced and dangerous.

A Deathwatch member, like all Space Marines, must start with a Strength and Constitution of 14+. They are immune to poison and they start with an assault suit. They also have training in Exosuits. Deathwatch members also get a +1 skill bonus depending on what Chapter they hail from. What follows are the major chapters of the Imperium, but it is very easy to create your own.

Dark Angels - Stealth
White Scars - Navigation
Space Wolves - Survival
Imperial Fists - Tactics
Blood Angels - Combat (Any)
Iron Hands - Tech (Any)
Ultramarines - Leadership
Salamanders - Perception
Raven Guard - Athletics

Grey Knights

The Chamber Militant of the Ordos Malleus, the Grey Knights are a Space Marine chapter whose duty it is to hunt down and destroy the daemonic forces of Chaos threatening the Imperium. The Grey Knights are secretive, powerful and noble; though the Grey Knights do have Librarians, every Knight has at least some marginal psychic ability. Their gleaming halberds and grey armor can leave any daemon trembling.

A Grey Knight, like all Space Marines, must start with a Strength and Constitution of 14+. They are immune to poison and they start with an assault suit. They also have training in Exosuits. Every Grey Knight has mastery of one level 1 psychic power, with the Discipline chosen by the player.

Sisters of Battle

Known as the Daughters of the Emperor, the Sisters of Battle are the Chamber Militant of the Ordos Hereticus and a branch of the Adepta Sororitas. Powerful female warriors who have undying faith in the God-Emperor. Sometimes called "female Space Marines," the Sisters do not undergo the painful genetic modifications that their Brothers do. Regardless, each is as powerful and deadly as any Astartes, and their desire to purge heretics is unfaltering.

Sisters of Battle must have a Wisdom of 14+. They too start with an assualt suit, as well as training in Exosuits. Sisters are also highly intelligent on many matters, making them automatically trained in Culture/Traveller, Languages and Tech/Medical.

Tell me what you think! Too powerful? Too limiting? Let me know.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Stars Without Number - Warhammer 40k Abhumans

If you didn't know, The Retired Adventurer has some lovely rules changes to Stars Without Number to play in the grim-dark-grimness of the Imperium of Man. The rules as is are tailored kind of towards Dark Heresy play, which is low-level inquistors out exploring the universe, which I find is a perfect level for SWN and the best way for Warhammer players to really "get into the shit."

However, for the next few posts I'm gonna elaborate on the character options to make the options a bit more inquisition, and Imperium, inclusive. This means I'll cover the mutated Abhumans, Space Marines (Grey Knights and the Death Watch, specifically) and the Adeptus Sororitas. But first, the Abhumans!


Ogryns are huge abhumans, often employed in the Imperial Guard as heavy weapons troops. Groomed on numerous death and hell worlds, an ogryn is designed for only one thing: survival. They rarely win any debates, but rumors tell of ogryn easily besting some Space Marines in unarmed combat.

Ogryns must have Strength 14+. Ogryns can literally eat anything for survival, though poisons still affect them. They are automatically trained in Survival.


Ratlings are small, loud and annoying creatures with hairy feet and bad attitudes. Despite this, the Imperial Guard can rarely find a better pathfinder or sniper than a ratling. Entire companies of ratling snipers have single-handedly won campaigns, only to later go off and get piss-drunk. Despite this, they are useful allies.

Ratlings must have a Dexterity of 14+. Ratlings have almost preternatural aim; they don't suffer the normal -2 penalty to shoot beyond normal range.


Fairly rare abhumans, beastmen have features of, well, beasts. The most common features are goat-like, with the beastmen often looking like satyrs with goatish heads. Beastmen are fairly maligned, more than any other race, as many believe them to be straddling the lines of chaos. Ironically, beastmen are some of the best at tracking down corruption.

Beastmen can not have a Charisma of 9+. Beastmen can actually sniff out Chaos on a successful Perception roll, being able to smell the evil taint. Beastmen also can head-butt with their horns, dealing 1d6 damage.


Squats are a nearly dead branch of abhumans, nearly completely wiped out by the Tyranids. Those that remain are usually in the Imperial Guard serving as mechanics, pilots and so on due to the squat's natural affinity to technology. Short due to their lives on high gravity worlds, they appear much like humans save for their stature and general harriness.

Squats must have a Constitution of 14+. Squats are trained in Tech/Any and Vehicle/Any.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Beer & Tequila - Drinking Rules for B&T

I thought for a fun distraction when you don't want to take a game night too seriously, I would find a way to make B&T (or really any fantasy RPG) into a drinking game. The rules are fairly easy. The rules are designed to be played with beer, but hard liquor can also be used at your own caution

The Players Drink:

When they use a class ability (casting a spell, bardic knowledge, shapeshift, etc.)
They use/activate a magic item
They rest for the night
They find a loot stash (All players drink)
When they purchase items
They fail a saving throw or heroic task

The GM Drinks:

When a group of your monsters dies (all skeletons in a fight, all goblins, etc.)
When the player's avoid a trap
When you use "DM intervention" ("The lich didn't really die")
When the player's ignore something obvious
You fudge a roll
You make an NPC go against their personality/alignment

Everyone Drinks

When a quest/objective is completed
When a new town/NPC/dungeon is introduced
Someone rolls a fumble
Someone rolls a critical
An inside joke is told (You know your group has some)
The game gets sidetracked

Finish Your Drink

A character falls unconscious (Player of dead character finishes)
A character acts against their alignment
Someone acts like a mary-sue or power gamer
The boss is killed (GM drinks)
You get poisoned/diseased
You have to scramble to adapt to the player's decision (GM drinks)

That's all for now. Give it a try and tell me if you get smashed, either by alcohol or a goblin! Drink and quest responsibly.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dungeon World - Alignments/Races for Monk and Barbarian

Blackfoot, Orc Monk
So I do like other games besides B&T; I also like Dungeon World! There are two great files out there (here and here) that list how to play the base classes in DW using any class or alignment. While this is complete for the core game, the Barbarian class and Peter Johansen's Monk class do not have such a thing. So here are my ideas for them

Barbarian Alignments

Lawful - Uphold an ancient law of your tribe

Good - Help those faced with destruction

Evil - Destroy for the sake of destruction

Barbarian Races

No need, as any race can be a Barbarian.

Monk Alignments

Chaotic - Fight someone for the smallest indiscretion

Monk Races

Halfling - You manage to get out of the stickiest of situations in a rather stylish manner. When you use your grace to avoid harm, you can spend 1 ki to take +1 forward to Defy Danger.

Elf - You always offer sage wisdom behind your strength. When you spend a minute to focus your mind, ask "How can we avoid violence?" and the GM will answer you, honestly.

Orc - You can focus your people's fury into martial grace. Your unarmed attacks always have the forceful tag

Blood & Treasure - Corruption

Archibald the Grand,
13th level sorcerer with a severe corruption
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and no force on earth is more powerful than arcane magic. When you cast a spell, you deal with mystical energies man was never meant to tamper with, let alone know about. Magic involves bending and breaking the laws of the universe, and some beings beyond mortal ken do not appreciate little specks of dirt meddling in their realms. They know mortals can not handle the universal power of magic, and they can see it in the very physical corruption of magic-users.

Corruption is an optional rule to make casting spells more dangerous for arcane casters, namely the magic-user and sorcerer. While the bard and the assassin both use magic, they access it through different and safer means. Clerics, druids, rangers and paladins must appeal to deities to keep their powers, so a check is already placed against them. However, magic-users and sorcerers, who have almost unlimited access to powerful energies, risk their humanity with every spell cast.

When a magic-user or sorcerer casts a spell, they must make a Will save, often called a "casting roll". This save has a penalty on it equal to the level of the spell being cast. Thus, a level 10 magic-user casting a level 4 spell would have to roll higher than 14 on their save. Regardless if they fail or not, the spell is cast. However, if the save is failed, the caster suffers corruption. Corruption comes in three levels: minor, major and severe. The level of corruption is determined by the difference in what you rolled and the Will save. To go back to the 10th level wizard, if the caster rolled a 10, the difference would be 4 and the caster
would obtain a minor corruption. If he rolled a 5, the difference would be 9 and would result in a major corruption. The ranges are listed below:

1 to 5, Minor
6 to 10, Major
11+, Severe

As a small gift, cantrips don't require casting rolls.

Corruption Tables

Below are some example tables to randomly roll for corruptions. These are not iron clad, and can be added to or taken away from. The basic rule is minor corruptions are small and sometimes temporary, major marks you as unnatural, and severe change your character entirely. The penalties to Charisma only apply to interactions with others; a sorcerer's spellcasting is not affected by being corrupted.

Minor Corruption

Minor corruptions are small changes that are not always permanent. Every time you gain a minor corruption, you gain a cumulative 5% chance that the change is permanent. Otherwise, the malady disappears at sunrise. Usually these changes can be concealed, but if they are revealed, they give a -1 penalty to Charisma for each corruption.

1. Your skin/hair/eyes/teeth and nails (1d4) take on an unnatural hue (for your race).
2. All your hair falls out, including body hair. If not permanent, regrows at the natural rate. Alternatively, you could grow a thicker layer of hair.
3. You give off a strong, unnatural odor like brimstone, burnt ozone or decay.
4. You obtain a strange tick, such as a twitchy eye, nervous whistling or constantly biting your nails.
5. You become extrmely paranoid something is out to get you.
6. You whisper blasphemous things under your breath.
7. You see things that aren't there, such as phantom shadows or unowned footfalls.
8. You hear things that aren't there; voices, growls, whispers, etc.
9. Food and drink tastes rotted to you, and possibly appears ass such.
10. You have terrible dreams of strange creatures, locales and beings stronger than the gods

Major Corruption

Major corruptions impart major physical or mental changes on the user. They are always permanent. Each corruption always impart a -2 penalty to Charisma, unless the change can somehow be hidden (which is quite difficult)

1. You grow 1d2 new eyes. They are usually on your face, but they could be elsewhere. Imparts no abilities
2. Grow a new mouth, either on your palms or torso. They can inflict a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage.
3. Your skin breaks out in disgusting, putrid boils.
4. You ooze something when you cast a spell, such as bile, blood, vomit, etc.
5. Something unhinges in your mind. Once a day, you can converse in Felltongue, a blasphemous language that anyone can understand but usually terrifies the listener
6. Something is following you, for real this time. It's always behind you, waiting until your vulnerable to destroy your very being.
7. You grow or shrink in size noticeably, up to a foot either way. This does not look like natural growth; your body is the same size, but your limbs are unnaturally
long or short.
8. You become either extremely corpulent or as skinny as a rail. No matter what you eat or how much, you are never satisfied
9. You hunger for something strange; human flesh, souls, gems and so on
10. You skin constantly peels and cracks painfully.
11. Your bones become very brittle; falling even a few feet could possibly result in a broken limb.
12. Something speaks to you directly, inhabiting your headspace. It could be a demon, an outsider or just your raving delusions, but the voice is real and speaks
to you
13. You open a gate to a realm that man was never meant to see for only a moment. You are forever haunted by its contents.
14. Some part of you takes on an animalistic appearance. Your arms grow scales, your fingers gain octopus-like suckers and so on. Usually hard to conceal without a robe
15. You see a vision of someone close to you, showcasing how they will die. You will be helpless to change the outcome. Sometimes, you view your own death
16. Holy items are painful for you to touch, dealing 2d6 damage on simple touch. It is difficult for you to enter churches or other places of worship
17. You can see magic. Not spells, but the very threads of magic inherent in the atmosphere. They are both beautiful and terrifying
18. You give off am ambient energy. It could be unnatural heat, malevolence, sickness or anything else
19. You have gained some god's ire. While they are usually not too concerned to do anything personally, you may start fighting an unusually high number of that god's faithful
20. Some people or creatures start to view you as an avatar of chaos, for better or worse.


Sever corruptions should always be unique and possibly campaign changing. If you gain a severe corruption, many humanoids will now believe you to be a monster and you'll have a difficult time interacting with civilization. Common changes involve new limbs, becoming clinically insane, being sucked into another dimension, instant death by being ripped apart by invisible forces, your body becoming composed of hive-mind worms and so on. As a rule of thumb, about 25% of severe corruptions result in characters dying or becoming NPCs. The rest are major changes.

Some upcoming stuff on Old Soul Games

Thought I'd give you a glimpse of some stuff I'm planning to post on here soon to get your revved up. All of them are mostly gonna be for B&T, but of course they can easily be converted to whatever

1. Corrupting magic. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and what's more powerful than being able to stop time? Influenced by things like DCC and Warhammer, the corruption rules will be pretty simple and will result in wizards second guessing if they REALLY wanna cast that Power Word: Kill if it means gaining a third new eye

2. Cybernetics, in a way. Inspired by Rippers and such, these cybernetics will involve ripping monster parts out of creatures and slapping them on your body via a skilled butche- I mean surgeon. Can range from simple replacements to direct upgrades.

3. Advanced tech. For when that magic sword is not enough, how about a magic blaster? This is intended for more S&S games where the current world is built upon the ruins of a much older and much more powerful one. Think Expedition to the Barrier Peaks or Metamorphosis Alpha.