Limitless Worlds

Limitless Worlds

Friday, July 3, 2020

Borderlands: Illuminated Church Sects

Templars: The militant wing of the Illuminated Church, Templars are fanatical knights given divine authority to murder by the Orthodoxy. Trained in combat and liturgy, Templars follow a strict code of backwards 'ethics' and rote, and a member straying from them could suffer lashes, expulsion or even execution. Most Templars are loaned out to the Houses to serve as generals or guard captains, but the Church can at any time call them up for duty or to join a Crusade - an event that could spell disaster for the whole Borderlands.

Associated Sub-Sects: Brothers of the Bleeding Wolf, Brothers of the Crimson Flame, Brothers of the Eternal Word

Inquisition: Inquisitors and their large array of agents are dedicated solely to the imprisonment, torture or eradication of heretics, mutants, demons and fell sorcerers. They are little more than religious law enforcers, tracking down perceived 'criminals' and dragging them from their houses screaming in the night. Inquisitors use torture, threats, pyre burning and drowning to extract confessions from the accused - even if the confession is not true. Inquisitors don't particularly care, as everyone is a sinner within their eyes.

Associated Sub-Sects: Order of the Sin Eaters, Order of the Executioners, Order of the Pyre Builders

Ecstatics: The Ecstatics are a sect of mystics, scholars and theurgists who spend most of them their time in their libraries and workshops working to divine the nature of the Illuminated. Most of their work comes from alchemical concoctions, demon summoning, and painful and debased experiments on living subjects. The Ecstatics border on heretical most of the time, but their work on binding warlocks and reanimating fallen Templars to serve as undead juggernauts has let the Inquisition turn a blind eye to their methods.

Associated Sub-Sects: Monks of the Crypt, Monks of the Tome, Monks of the Iron Gear

Orthodoxy: The Orthodoxy are the leaders and preachers of the Illuminated Church, and are thus the most powerful sect by far. Orthodox priests can be found whispering in the ears of many lords and ladies, directing them in the desires of the Illuminated less they want to be branded heretics - ensuring that the Church remains the true power behind the throne in the Borderlands. The Orthodoxy is most prevalent in the cities, and their firebrand sermons regularly incite religious riots against pagans and non-believers.

Associated Sub-Sects: Cult of the First Emperor, Cult of St. Johann, Cult of the Three Sisters

Mendicants: The Mendicants are travelling pilgrims and doomsayers, trudging across the Borderlands to deliver liturgies and provide healing and benisons to the commoners. While on the surface the Mendicants seem to be the most beneficent sect, their main mission is to endear the smallfolk to the oppressive Church doctrine and make them docile. Mendicants also serve as satellite informers to the Inquistion, communicating through secret signs and drawn symbols the wandering priests leave on the houses of the heretical.

Associated Sub-Sects: Children of the Bleeding Feet, Children of the Blinded Eyes, Children of the Pox Ridden

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