Hey all, hope you are doing well! A quick post today - I'm going to be running Blacky the Blackball's excellent FASERIP with a group soon, and I wanted to work up some Drawback rules to provide an option for the players.
FASERIP is based on the Marvel Superheroes RPG from the 80s, and it is interesting because aside from a few exceptions - like Daredevil - very few Marvel heroes have explicit 'weaknesses'. Seems to be much more of a DC thing.
The rules are somewhat cribbed from 4C Expanded, an expansion to the original MSH retroclone. Hope you get some use out of these, as I think they are pretty neat!
A Drawback is very similar to a Limit, save that the Drawback affects the whole character rather than a specific power. The line between a Drawback and a Limit can be hard to draw sometimes - for example, while Daredevil's blindness would be considered a Drawback, something like Thor's Mjolnir would be a limit. Generally if the vulnerability affects the whole character and not a specific power, it's a Drawback.
Obtaining a Drawback is optional at character creation, and it's recommended that no character start with more than one (there's nothing stopping you from taking multiple ones, but the character just becomes a headache to play). In exchange for taking a Drawback, a character can:
- Acquire a new power of their choice at Campaign Rank -1 RS
- Boost any existing power or ability
- Acquire any two:
- Wealth +1RS
- Fame +1RS
- A new Specialty or +1RS to an existing Specialty
- A new Contact